Thursday, November 25, 2010

HP7 !

My next book review is under way! In honor of the new movie, I will be reviewing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I will also have a rating system, rating ALL the Harry Potter books, and then giving my full description and opinion on the final book. Instead of the traditional 5 stars rating, I will be rating the books on house points! Creative, huh? Okay so this is how it's going to work:

-Points will be awarded based on overall theme of the book. The movies will not have any factor on the ratings.
-Points will be given to 2 houses. (Gryffindor and Slytherin. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw didn't really do much in the books.... yeah.) A house will get the points based on how much it played a part in the book.
-The highest number of points a house/the book can get will be 10. (20 combined)
-I am not going to write out Harry Potter and ....... because that is just too much work. My hope to anyone reading this is that you know what HP1 means.
-Example: HP1 rating: 14 points for Gryffindor, 6 points for Slytherin.
-Are we clear?
-We better be because I'm not expanding any further on this!
-BusyB, over and out.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Book Review: Toxin by Robin Cook

Being a cardiac surgeon, Kim Reggis' life is complicated enough. Add a divorce and a critically ill daughter and his life goes from complicated to out of control. He is driven by his daughter Becky's pain to find out the cause of her disease, and runs into a plethora of problems. It turns out that E. Coli 0157:H7 is the exact bacteria that has Becky lying in the hospital, and Kim is willing to do whatever it takes to find out why. A trip to a popular fast food restaurant, The Onion Ring, gives him a few clues and a bit of trouble. His next stop is Mercer Meats, a meat-processing company. Conveniently, Kim runs into Marsha Baldwin, a USDA inspector. Together they go on a quest to stop the spread of E. Coli and to shut down Higgins and Hancock, a slaughter house. Kim's ex wife Tracy steps in for Marsha when she turns up missing while investigating Higgins and Hancock! This leads Kim to believe that there is something mysterious going on in the meat-processing industry and decides to get to the bottom of it for good! The underlying question through all of this is: Will Becky fight off the E. Coli? And what happens to Marsha Baldwin? Packed with suspense and gruesome truths, Toxin is definitely a great read for those who enjoy solving the unlikely!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Teen Central!

I am going to be blogging book reviews for Teen Central's blog, fcpl4teens! My first review will be Toxin by Robin Cook, so if you're interested then check it out!! My review should be up this weekend!